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Frequently Asked Questions


How old do you have to be to UV tan?

This differs state by state. In New Hampshire it is required that you  be at least 18+.  Even with parental permission you may not tan under the age of 18, however you may spray tan.

Do I need to make an appointment for a UV tan?

At Modern Tan we only take walk-ins, so you can always come in whenever you are ready!

What is the difference between types of tanning lotion?

Intensifier/Accelerator: These lotions contain high level of moisturizes to help keep the skin hydrated while it tans.  Using an accelerator will provide the most natural look

Natural Bronzer: Rather than using chemicals to create a bronze appearance on the skin, natural bronzers use plant-based ingredients to increase melanin production and ultimately darken the color of the skin. In addition to providing a natural glow, these types of bronzers also include moisturizers to keep the skin looking healthy and fresh. Given the fact that natural ingredients are used, the effect only lasts for about four days. Those who use natural bronzers need to reapply on a consistent, regular basis.


Dark Bronzer: Has cosmetic bronzer and DHA which gradually builds and develops on the skin with each use, getting you color much quicker. Dark bronzer comes in various amounts depending on which lotion you buy, so you can buy a lotion with a small amount of dark bronzer for a little bit of extra color or a lotion with lots of dark bronzer for a deeper darker tan.


Tingles: Tingle lotions are often used by those who frequent indoor tanning salons on a regular basis. They include powerful active ingredients that brings more oxygen into the skin cells. This process allows the skin to darken in color and allows a person to consistently enjoy a better, longer-lasting tan.  Tingles should never be used on the face as the tiny blood vessels could break and cause bruising. A lot of tanners love tingles but they are not for everyone because of how they can feel; some describe it as an “indian sunburn” feeling and some describe it as just a tingling sensation, so we always suggest that if you’re trying a tingle for the first time to just apply to a small area to see if you like it or not.

Why is tanning lotion important?

Tanning lotion is important because dry skin reflects UV rays for the first several minutes rather than absorbing them. Tanning lotion is full of moisturizing agents, vitamins, and nutrients to help your skin receive the most out of your tanning session. You will have much better results with a tanning lotion than without, and with many options ranging from no bronzer to dark bronzer we will be sure to help you get your desired results. The tanning process dehydrates the skin, removing moisture and nutrients; tanning lotion rehydrates the skin and replaces the nutrients that were lost during your tanning session. Conditioning your skin with quality professional products will not only help you get more color but will also keep your color longer.

What should I wear to tan?

Some people choose to wear a swimsuit, just as they would at the beach. But, because of the privacy of indoor tanning, most tan in the nude to avoid tan lines. Any skin that has never been exposed to ultraviolet light before will be more sensitive. These parts must acquire a tan slowly. Cut down the exposure time for these areas.   When you can’t see any tan lines on your body at all, it’s okay to expose that skin the same length of time as the rest of your body.  Please DO NOT wear a bra or bathing suit with metal hooks unless using a stand up booth,  the metal can scratch and damage the acrylic in the beds.

Is indoor tanning as effective as outdoor tanning?

Yes, in fact, sometimes more so because you are in a controlled environment. Your skin produces a tan the same way in an indoor tanning salon as it does when you lay out in the sun: through ultraviolet (UV) light. However, out in the sun, you cannot control the amount of UV light exposure and trying to achieve an all-over even-body tan is very difficult. Indoor tanning allows you to control the amount of UV light, for an all-over even tan. With indoor tanning you can gradually increase your exposure time eliminating any sunburn, which is harmful to the skin. The results and convenience of an “indoor tan” allows a year round healthy looking tan without concerns of prolonged exposure to the burning rays of the sun.

Can I use outdoor tanning oils and lotions in the tanning bed?

NO, just as the word indicates outdoor products should ONLY be used outdoors, as they can cause a film on the acrylic. This actually inhibits the tanning process, rather than acting as an amplifying agent. There are many excellent indoor tanning products for that purpose. Ask our tanning professional for recommendations.

Additionally, we do not any spray lotions to be applied in the Salon.

How do I keep my tan?

Moisturize! Moisturize! Healthy skin tans faster, darker, and retains a tan longer. Drink plenty of water and make sure to keep your skin moisturized with a high quality lotion especially formulated-for-tanning. Your skin is constantly renewing itself. The dryer your skin is, the faster it wants to shed its top layers and bring new skin to the surface. You lose the top layers, you lose your tan. Dry layers on the surface of your skin will block the UV rays from getting to the other layers to tan them. Even with moisturizing you will still need to maintain a tanning schedule of every 4 to 5 days, or at least once a week, to keep your tan, because your skin is reproducing new cells all the time.

Can I tan more than once on the same day?

Only if you do a “Double Dip”. To get an “instant” tan or an “extra boost” to your tan you should consider using our Mystic Sunless Spray Booth immediately after tanning in a bed or booth. In just seconds you can have the natural-looking Bronze color you desire. Spray tanning is allowed on the same day as a traditional tanning session.

What is the difference between low pressure and high pressure units?

Low pressure units emit both UVA & UVB at a low energy level. Low pressure units will give more of a red tone tan, and you’ll need to maintain more often. High pressure units generate UVC, UVB, & UVA, but by means of a sophisticated filtering system, only UVA is emitted during a tanning session. It will take fewer sessions with a high pressure unit it to build a golden tan and to keep it.  Our level 5 unit is completely all high pressure.

Do I really have to wear goggles?

Yes! It is very important! Your skin can tan – your eyes can’t! Federal law requires the use proper eye protection, which is available for sale at Modern Tan.  You can select from one time disposable eyewear or a reusable option.   All of our eyewear meets federal government standards by blocking 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Closing the eyelids or using sunglasses or cotton balls is not adequate protection as the UV rays will easily penetrate these things and continue into the eyes.
*Goggles should be replaced every 6 months*

What is the difference between the tanning levels?

We have levels 1, 2 ,3 ,4 and 5. The higher the level, the better the bed; this means the higher in level you go, the more likely you are to tan quicker while being less likely to burn. You will get better color in the higher levels along with a longer lasting tan. The lower levels will take more sessions to get the same results, and you will be more likely to burn.  However, the lower level beds do produce more vitamin D, which comes from UVB.


How do I prepare for a spray tan?

You should always shower, exfoliate, and do any necessary shaving before your spray tan. Next, avoid putting on any lotions, oils, deodorants, makeup, etc. because these could create a barrier on your skin and cause your spray tan to develop unevenly or streaky. We always suggest coming in with clean fresh skin before your appointment! During your spray you can wear whatever you’d like; many people like to go fully nude as to avoid tan lines, and others like to keep on their undergarments or wear a bathing suit. It is totally up to you! You should bring some dark, loose fitting clothing to leave in after your spray.

What do I need to do after my spray tan?

After your spray tan it is very important that you stay dry while your tan develops. We recommend waiting a minimum 8-10 hours for a spray tan to develop, if you get it wet your spray tan may be blotchy or uneven. This means avoiding water, sweat, lotion, oil, perfume, etc. until after your tan has developed and you have showered. Once you’ve taken your first shower, you do not need to worry about getting wet.

How long does a spray tan last?

Every individual is different and a spray tan's duration can vary depending on your skin type, daily habits and lifestyle. Typically, spray tans last an average of 5 to 7 days.

How old do you have to be to spray tan?

There is no age limit on spray tanning, we just ask that you are able to follow directions. 

Do I need to make an appointment for a spray tan?

At Modern Tan we only take walk-ins, so you can always come in whenever you are ready!

280 Main St, Salem NH 03079



Mon-Fri  9am-8pm

Saturday  9am-5pm

Sunday  9am-3pm


©2025 by Modern Tan

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